The New Frontier and the Great Society Reading Activity

IELTS Speaking: Nature & Environment

From the list of headings, choose the near appropriate for paragraph.

i The accepted view of the future
ii The pros and cons of fluctuating birth rates
iii Falling birth rates: main facts and figures
iv Measures to reduce population growth
v Population likely to grow indefinitely
half-dozen A conscious decision to take fewer children
vii Experts challenge existing beliefs
8 Need to maintain ratio of workers to pensioners
ix Unintentional and engineered causes of falling nativity charge per unit
ten Medical quantum in nativity control

The Other Population Crunch

Section A

It  is  an  unquestioned  principle  that  has  dominated  international  thinking  for decades:  we live  in  an  overcrowded  world  teeming  with  billions  of  humans  who  are  destined  to  suffocate  our cities  and  clasp  our  planet  of  its  precious  resources.  Our  species  is  inexorably  wrecking  Earth: flooding valleys, cutting downwardly forests and destroying the habitats of animals and plants faster thanscientists can classify them. Our future is destined to be nasty, brutish, and cramped.

Section B

Or  is  it?  At present,  it  seems,  population  analysts  have  suddenly  started  to  question  the  'cocky-evident' truth that we are destined eventually to drown under our ain weight. While accepting that populations will keep to ascension, they indicate out that this ascension will not exist nearly every bit steep or as long-lasting  as  was once  feared.  They  fifty-fifty  claim  they  can  envisage  the  day  when  world  population numbers will peak and begin to pass up.

Section C

As  show,  statisticians  point  to  a  simple,  stark  fact:  people  are  having  fewer  and  fewer children.  In  the  1970s,  global  fertility  rates  stood  at  about  vi  children  per  woman.  Today  the average is 2.9 and falling. Such a rate will still see the earth'due south population increase to nine billion by 2050, a ascent of fifty per cent on today'due south figure. That is not practiced news for the planet, but it is far less alarming  than  the  projections  of  fifteen  billion  that  were  once  existence  made.  More than  to  the  point, statisticians predict that after 2050 the number of humans volition become down. Such trends raise two key questions. Why has the rise in world populations started to die out so dramatically? And what volition be the consequences of this decline?

Department D

Answers  to  the  first  question  depend  largely  on  locality.  In  Europe,  for  example,  couples will  accept  only  i  or two  children  when  they  might  have  had  three or  iv  in  the  by.  At that place  are various reasons  for this. Women  at present have their ain career options, and are no  longer considered failures  if  they  exercise  non  marry  and  produce  children  in  their  twenties  or  thirties.  This  has  taken  a substantial  number  out  of  the  puddle  of  potential  mothers.  In  addition,  parents  take  aspirations  for their offspring, choices not available to past generations just which price money, for example, highereducation  and  travel.  These  and  other  pressures  accept  reduced  the  average  nascency  rate  in  European countries to ane.4 per couple. Given that a country needs a birth rate of ii.i to maintain its numbers. Information technology is clear to see that in the long term there will be fewer Europeans.

Department E

The  causes  of  declining  numbers  in  other  countries  are  more  varied  and  more than  alarming. Russian federation's  population  is  dropping  by  almost  750,000  people  a  year.  The  causes  are  alcoholism, breakdown of the public  health service, and  industrial pollution that has had a disastrous effect onmen'southward  fertility. In  China, the country enforces quotas of offspring  numbers, and  it  is  expected that its population  will  peak  at  1.5  billion  by  2019  and then  go  into  steep  refuse.  Some  analysts  propose  the land  could  lose  twenty  to  thirty  per  cent  of  its  population  every  generation.  There  is  besides  the exodus  from  the  countryside,  a  trek  happening  across the  globe.  Shortly  half  the  world's  population will  have  urban  homes.  But  in  cities,  children  become  a  cost  rather  than  an  asset  for  helping  to piece of work the land, and again pressures mount for people to cut the size of their families.

Department F

The impact of all this is harder to guess. In Europe, demographers forecast a major drop in the  numbers  who  will  piece of work  and  earn  coin,  while  the  population  of  older  people —who  need support  and  help —volition  soar.  And so, the  urging  by  a  British  politician  that  information technology  is  the  patriotic  duty  of women to have children makes sense. At that place will be no workforce if people do not take children. At present the  median age of people  is twenty-six;  within  a hundred  years,  if  electric current trends continue, that  will  take  doubled.More  and  more  erstwhile  people  will  have  to  be  supported  past  fewer  and  fewer young  people!  In  China,  the  problem  is  worse.  Most  young  Chinese  adults  have  no  brothers  or sisters and face the prospect of having to care for two parents and iv grandparents on their own. Pensions and incomes are merely not able to rise fast enough to deal with the crisis.

Section Thousand

There are people who cling to the promise that it is possible to have a vibrant economic system without a growing population, but mainstream economists are pessimistic. On the other hand, it is articulate that reduced human numbers can only be good for the planet in the long term. Until we halt, the spread of  our  own  species,  the  destruction  of  the  last  great  wildernesses,  such  as  the  Amazon,  volition continue.  Just  subsequently  the  concluding  Ice  Historic period,  in that location  were  only  a  few  hundred  thousand  humans  on  Earth. Since  then  the  population  has  grown  ten  thousand  fold.  Such  a  growth  rate  and  our  imperfect attempts to control information technology are spring to lead usa into an uncertain futurity.


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